About Us
Bringing passion into the world of aviation and military art – it’s part of our DNA!
For more than 25 years Aces High has been a leading name in the world of aviation and military art. Respected not only for the quality of our service, but also for the wide and varied range of products – a feature that stems from our original yet ambitious desire to champion only the very best in the genre. Happily, along the way, the Advertising Standards Authority concluded that Aces High has become ‘the world’s foremost specialists in aviation and military art’.
RAF Bomber Command veterans with Colin in 2019
We strive to build upon that reputation. Always aiming to increase our range of original artwork, signed editions, exclusive books and a myriad of other collector items, we try to provide an unparalleled source for other like-minded enthusiasts.
Artist Robert Taylor with Battle of Britain Pilot John Freeborn DFC* in 2003
Throughout our journey we’ve been fortunate to meet many wonderful people: loyal collectors, many of the world’s finest artists but, perhaps more importantly, it has enabled us to share the company of hundreds of wonderful veterans, past and present.

Left to Right: Craig, George Prichard, Colin, Roy Briggs and Caroline at North Weald, 2019
The heroic deeds of these men and women have not only formed the foundation of our business but have helped to shape the free world in which we live today – they are very special people indeed.
USAAF Pilot Denny Thompson at the Normandy Gallery, 2019

Bomber Command & Normandy Veterans at the UK Gallery, 2018
Our Galleries
Be prepared for a very warm welcome – we pride ourselves on it because originality and quality aren't just words to us, they're an obsession!
Enter the door to an Aces High Gallery and you’ll be greeted by an unforgettable sight. In front of you is a huge range of affordable items sitting side-by-side with wonderful original artwork.
Our UK Gallery...

Our home gallery could at first be mistaken for an exhibition hall or even a museum dedicated to a fascinating collection of historic military vehicles; there’s even a full-size replica Spitfire on display. But in reality it’s now the location of what is probably the world’s finest aviation, military and motorsport gallery.
Situated in the ancient village of Steventon just 10 miles south of the world famous university city of Oxford, our new home is set within the beautiful Vale of White Horse and is within easy reach of London, the Midlands and the South West both by road and nearby fast rail links. We even have a private air strip if you’d rather fly here!
Inside you’ll find hundreds of prints, posters, books and tasty historical artefacts for sale, and it’s here that we’ll continue to host the frequent – and always unique – signing events with veterans for which we are well known. Many of the items both on sale and display have been exclusively created by our on-site framing studio, a place where old-fashioned craftsmanship co-exists with the latest technology.
Our Normandy Gallery...

Our second gallery is in France at the very centre of Ste-Mère-Église famed for its role during the U.S. Airborne landings on D-Day. Many of the pieces on sale here, whether it’s an inexpensive post card or poster or a stunning original painting, relate to the Normandy landings of June 1944 and a visit to the gallery is a ‘must’ for anyone doing a tour of the D-Day beaches.
Our Mobile Gallery...

Our third ‘gallery’ is mobile - we hold temporary exhibitions at many of the world’s leading military and aviation shows where you’ll find a selection of our finest and affordable pieces. The surroundings may indeed be temporary but the warmth of our welcome is guaranteed to be everlasting.