ENEMY COAST AHEAD - Framed Collector's Piece

by Anthony Saunders

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Framed collector's piece $535.00
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Anthony Saunders, not only one of the best aviation artists in the business but one especially well-respected for his portrayals of the Dambusters, has completed a special painting depicting the moment in Operation Chastise when, having traversed the North Sea at wave-top height, Wing Commander Guy Gibson leads Flight Lieutenants Mick Martin and ‘Hoppy’ Hopgood across the Dutch coast en-route to the Möhne Dam.

Framed to full conservation standards to include museum quality replica RAF Wings plus the original autographs of two famous Veterans who took part in the Legendary raid:

  • Squadron Leader George Johnson MBE DFM
  • Sergeant Fred Sutherland
Framed Prints
33 x 24.5 inches
Release Date:

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