HEADING FOR THE FRONT - New commemorative print by Richard Taylor

Remembering the 105th Anniversary of the Armistice: November 1918 – November 2023

10 November 2023

As poppies bloom amidst the shattered ruins of Ypres, units of British cavalry advance towards an area of heavy fighting during the Second Battle of Ypres, spring 1915.

In his poignant drawing Richard has selected a moment during the Second Battle of Ypres as a tribute to all those Allied soldiers who fought during the Great War. The city of Ypres, within range of German artillery, lies mostly in ruins yet beside the road poppies bloom, their blood red petals in stark contrast to the drab khaki of the British 2nd Cavalry Division heading towards the fighting.

Well-known for the precise quality of his drawings, Richard’s detailed piece has been reproduced as a limited edition print to commemorate this bygone era. Completed in his ‘trademark’ style of graphite, wash and coloured highlights on antique buff paper, this moving depiction is sure to be popular.

Prices from £75 / $105 - CLICK HERE to find out more!

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