New Release: Eagles on the West

A stunning new edition from Robert Taylor – the world’s premier aviation artist

29 June 2021

With the Battle of Britain in its closing stages, Hauptmann Helmut Wick leads a group of Bf109Es from I./JG2 back to base following a sweep along the Normandy coast, October 1940. The ancient abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel provides a fitting backdrop in the early evening sunlight.

As part of his long legacy in portraying scenes from the battle, Robert Taylor, who personally knew and was friends with many of the leading protagonists involved, has created this beautiful new work featuring the Luftwaffe’s leading Battle of Britain Ace – Helmut Wick.


Complementing Robert’s work and adding great historic interest for collectors, every print carries the original signatures of some of the most famous Luftwaffe Aces who flew during the Battle of Britain. This is likely to be a landmark edition from the world’s most collected aviation artist with a line-up of signatories that will never be repeated. Although sadly no longer with us, their names remain a powerful reminder of the mighty force that went into battle with the best of Fighter Command.

Find out more about Robert's new release HERE!

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