by Robert Taylor

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‘The Homecoming’ remains one of Robert Taylor’s most dramatic and creative pieces. 

Completed in 1999, this original working drawing from Robert's own personal archive highlights a key stage in the creative process, clearly demonstrating how he would have blocked out the scene, testing perspectives, whilst working toward the final inevitable composistion within his minds-eye.

A small group of stubby-nosed Fw190s from III./JG2, en-route to their home base to the north-east of Brest, have caught sight of a small group of U-boats from the Kriegsmarine’s 9th Submarine Flotilla returning to port. As they are at the end of their coastal sweep, the JG2 pilots decide to welcome the U-boats home and give the submariners a suitable fly-past salute. For the tired crews this was a moving ‘homecoming’ to the U-boat crews after such an arduous spell out in the North Atlantic.

This truly is a rare opportunity to obtain a classic piece of aviation art history from the Master himself! Contact us today for further enquiry.

Matted and framed to full conservation standards, this piece has been made even more special with the inclusion of FIVE original autographs of highly-regarded Knight's Cross recipients:

  • Oberleutnant Erhard Nippa KC
  • Major Erich Rudorffer KC with Oak Leaves and Swords
  • Kapitänleutnant Siegfried Koitschka KC
  • Oberleutnant zur See Heinrich Schroeteler KC
  • Korveitenkapitan Helmut Witte KC
Original Pencil

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