MIGHTY EIGHTH OUTWARD BOUND - Framed Collector's Piece

by Robert Taylor

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Framed collector's piece $995.00
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On an airfield in the heart of the English countryside, fighter pilots of the U.S. 8th Air Force start up and taxi out their P-47 Thunderbolts. Their mission, long-range bomber escort duties; their destination, Germany. Above, as their P-51 escorts begin to amass, the B-17 formation is already outward bound.

The role played by the fighter pilots of the 8th Air Force will go down in history as they helped secure air superiority in the skies over Europe.

In recognition of their role, this famous print is personally signed by SIX prestigious Aces who flew with the 8th during WWII:

  • Major Richard 'Bud' Peterson
  • Colonel Francis 'Gabby' Gabreski
  • Colonel Walker 'Bud' Mahurin
  • Lieutenant Colonel Robert Johnson
  • Colonel Don Blakeslee
  • Colonel Hub Zemke
Framed Prints
37 x 29.5 inches

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