by Robert Taylor

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Original pencil drawing $4195.00
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This original working drawing from Robert’s own personal collection reminds us of his passion and interest in maritime subjects. He later painted the scene in 1993 as one of his memorable naval scenes – Spitfire Clipper.

During two short decades in the mid-19th century these American clippers dominated the great ocean trading routes of the world. They were ultra-fast, sleek and, for the time, represented the pinnacle of clipper design. Easily recognisable by the long, lean lines, raked masts and billowing acres of canvas, these ‘greyhounds’ of the ocean were the UPS of the day, carrying goods, often in record-breaking times, to and from the major trading hubs of the world.

This is one such typical scene from the short-lived history of America’s finest clippers. The Spitfire loads a valuable cargo of tea within the famous Pagoda Anchorage at Foochow, China in October 1857. The precious cargo had been carried down the Min River in distinctive Chinese sailing junks, and is already stowed because, in the distance, a steam tug approaches indicating she is almost ready to sail. The Spitfire’s destination is London, a voyage she will complete in 113 days.

Matted and framed to full conservation standards. 

Original Pencil

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